In these terrible, chaotic, white knuckle-type- days there are moments of this strange beautiful.
They have taken a large step towards us, pressing in and shouldering the all too sad.
This beautiful pressing in- It's a tangible thing. The way our house has seamlessly filled with our people. The hands that have arrived to fold washing and unpack dishwashers.
The hands that have arrived and held him close.
Held me close.
Held my three little guys closest.
The gentle press of love and kindness.
He knew we needed this pressing in of support and care.
He knew we needed the hours spent sitting around a table laughing and eating and crying... and eating (oh the food of this pressing in!!!)
And it isn't just us. Those people who press in need this time.
To remind him of how he has immeasurably impacted their lives.
To laugh about the old days and to reassure him that they'll be here in the coming days.
To hold his hand as tears flow and to sit in a beautiful silence that says so much.
To press closer to him.
To revel and savour these days.
We honestly don't have a truly clear idea about the time we have.
But we know that this week is worse in so many ways than it was last week.
We know that he is tired and in more pain. Today he relied on morphine injections to function. The pain is increasing and stealing in.
So. ..
Here is my pressing in request.
The harsh reality of this jourey is this: It will be his last birthday that we can celebrate with him.
That sucks. So much.
So very very much.
We want him to feel the full force of this pressing in.
And not just Sheldon.
But our boys, who have had to carry this weight of grief and are doing such a courageous job. They need this. Need to read messages of birthday joy and kindness.
We need to celebrate this. In the face of the un-celebrate-able. We need to celebrate 43 fantastic years.
So... here's what you can do:
Send Sheldon a birthday card.
Tell your family and friends to send him a birthday card.
Get your work mates to send him a birthday card.
Send a message of birthday joy.
Help us make August the month of celebrating Sheldon.