Monday, May 13, 2013

There is always hope.

I read something today.
It was lovely.
It was about someone who was at the edge of despair..
Someone who was at the end of their tether...
Someone who had been knocked down from the resting place of normality and then royally kicked.
This person, this broken being was on a diet of tears... Tears for breakfast, tears for supper.
And in the place of pain and seemingly bleak darkness, this person stops to ponder.
They "empty the pockets of their life"..
They take stock.
They line up the disappointments and the heartbreaks..
They name and number the moment of being disillusioned and left behind..
And in the rubble of their days they seize a moment of illumination.
A moment to scream hope at their weary soul.
And they see through the haze and catch a glimpse of a brighter day.

So.. Here it is. Again.
The lesson I learn again..and again.
Trouble may come.
Sorrow may arrive.
Disillusioned days are maybe just around the corner.
The skies above may be dark, laden with the threat of that storm.
And yet there is that voice that screams hope at a weary soul.
It might start as a whisper.
Lost in the noise of the fight.
And yet there it is.

See.. This is the deal.
And I keep stating the deal.
Because the deal is worth stating.
Trouble CAN NOT be allowed to take you out.
If you are on a diet of tears..
If you have emptied the pockets of your life and are left shaking your head at the disarray and the shards of broken dreams..
If you have lost sight of the highs in the depths of your lows..
If the pain of loss or the threat of sorrow is on the menu...
Well... Ok.
I hear you.
I know.
We have been through some tough days in the past few months.
Cancer ain't a walk in the park.
Redundancy isn't a fun-land joint you want to keep visiting.
Leaving a home we had sewn our hearts into has been, well... Painful.
I was on a diet of tears.
I emptied the pockets of my life.
I was left a bit bereft.
Trouble came my way and it threatened to take me out.
It reared up and it was ugly.
It stands there still.. Sneering at us. That troublesome trouble.
And some days, I will admit that it beats me up.
It kicks my arse all over the place.
It silences me with its enormity.
But it doesn't take me out.
I lift up my battle weary hand and say "uh uh trouble. Talk to the hand."
I whisper and sometimes I even scream at my soul, "come on!!!!Pick yourself up!!!"

So. If you are staring trouble down, give yourself a good talking to.
Say "yep trouble.. I see you, (messing up all my plans). I hear you, (making noise as you stir the quiet waters of normality). But hear me: you will not take me out. Trouble: you will come and go. So, I see you coming and I can't wait to see you going. I choose to smile at this storm. I choose to see the beautiful in the broken. I choose the magnificent tension of my every day. So... There. YOU CAN'T TAKE ME OUT."
And all of this is said to the soundtrack of survivor. "I'm a survivor..ain't gunna give up.."

You a survivor.
You ain't gunna give up.
Because there is always hope.
There is always hope.
Peace out.

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